Please read the following carefully. Your registration in The Agility Challenge signifies your acceptance of these policies.

If you're within 5 days of purchasing a membership or subscription to The Agility Challenge, your subscription will be cancelled and your membership fees refunded, no questions asked. You'll lose access to any content you had access to as part of your membership when your membership is cancelled and your fees refunded. If you're beyond that 5-day window, you can cancel your subscription and no further payments will be made by you. You will lose access to any content you had access to as part of your membership when the current billing cycle (month or year) ends. Daisy Peel, Daisy Creative LLC, and The Agility Challenge are not obligated to give any refunds for any reason whatsoever. Generally, only duplicate purchases will be refunded, and only within one month of charges made. It is your responsibility to be aware of any duplicate subscriptions or charges you have inadvertently incurred. Refunds will not be given due to technical difficulties with the site, FaceBook, email, or for any other technical reason. We will of course work with you to make sure The Challenge content is available to you. Please contact Daisy should you experience difficulty after purchase.
Dog agility and dog training, as well as canine and human fitness activities, are activities that pose potential risk of injury for dog and human alike. By registering, you agree to assume responsibility and liability for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur as a result of your participation in The Agility Challenge. You also agree to hold harmless Daisy Peel and Daisy Creative LLC, for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur as a result of your participation. This extends to any contributors contributing content to The Agility Challenge.
Just a few little details before we get started...thank you for reading and agreeing to these policies!
Copyright - Daisy Creative LLC